Camp Re-Opens Summer 2022

After two successful seasons of day and family camping, Camp Fuller will re-open this summer for a full program. While the pandemic created challenges for all summer camps across the country and forced the closings of many, Camp Fuller rose to the challenges, opened the gates and provided quality programming with limited resources. With a small and dedicated staff working together, kids and families were still able to enjoy some time on beautiful Salt Pond.

After two successful seasons of day and family camping, Camp Fuller will re-open this summer for a full program.  While the pandemic created challenges for all summer camps across the country and forced the closings of many, Camp Fuller rose to the challenges, opened the gates and provided quality programming with limited resources.  With a small and dedicated staff working together, kids and families were still able to enjoy some time on beautiful Salt Pond.

Nothing like a swim on a hot summer day.

Now, under the leadership of Benjamin Allis, the new Executive Director; Rachel Terceira, Camp Director; and Steven Stratton, Program Director, a full summer program is slated with a dynamic and creative staff ready to go.  Programs will include the traditional offerings which have made Fuller the “go to” summer camp in New England.  Sailing, windsurfing, aquatics, climbing, archery, and a host of new and innovative programs will once again resume this summer.

Hanging out on the hill

To learn more about the upcoming summer program and to register, CLICK HERE.

Senior Hill was the entire camp in the early 1900's

Hope to see you coming down the camp road again.

A new sign points the way... almost there.