Camp Fuller Road Naming
Jef Fornaro tells the story
Jef Fornaro went away to Camp Fuller at the age of seven and never left. Camper, counselor, Skipper, Sailing Master, Board Member and trusted friend of Fuller for over 75 years, Jef fondly remembers when the infamous road got its name.
As the story goes, Jef’s uncle (and godfather) worked for the Rhode Island Department of Transportation during the 1940s and 50s. Fred T. Fornaro would frequently visit Jef at camp if he was “in the area”. One of Uncle Fred’s jobs for the DOT was to travel throughout the state, locate un-named roads and provide names for them. Signs would then be created for the newly named roads and Uncle Fred would then install them wherever needed.
On a visit to Camp Fuller in the early 1950’s, Uncle Fred discovered that the 1.2 mile dirt road which connected the Old Post Road to the camp gate had no name. Without consultation or approval from the powers that be at DOT, Fred decided to end the unfinished business and name the long and winding road “Camp Fuller Road”. Made perfect sense, right? A fitting
tribute to the dusty path that took kids on journeys that would last a lifetime.
And now you know the rest of the story…. Thanks, Jef.