Culture and Traditions

Council Fires, Virtual and Flaming

Council Fires have a long history at Camp Fuller. Written within the pages of the 1932 yearbook, called “The Log” is a brief story of a council fire which took place that year on August second. Many campers had left Fuller to go on overnight expeditions to Worden’s Pond, Quonochontaug and the White Mountains in New Hampshire. Those who remained at camp gathered in the social hall.

First Sun Prod

Anyone who has been to Camp Fuller in the past 50 years has probably heard of Sun Prod. This event has been held and celebrated every summer at camp since 1970. For those who may have missed the inaugural event, perhaps this story might shed some light on the original festival, how it got its name and how it has survived the test of time.

Greenie, Myth and Legend

Greenie is real. He is an escaped convicted killer from Maine’s Shawshank Penitentiary. The same one that was later made into a movie. His name was John Henry. He escaped in early Spring and was from the South.

Legend of Greenie

 A partial telling of the legend of Greenie as told on the Camp Fuller CD by Matt Stark

Letters Sent Home

There is nothing quite like getting a letter from your kid who is away at summer camp. These were often written under duress from a counselor or the camp director who insisted that letters be used in exchange for the evening meal. In other words: no letter, no food.

Memories: Fuller Pranks

From time to time, we will feature excerpts from social media posts. This first in a series got a lot of attention with people finally telling their stories about the stuff they did at camp while they were supposed to be doing other things.


My dad played "Taps". He played the trumpet. And he played the bugle. Just in case you don't know a bugle is a trumpet without valves. All pitch control is from the player's "embouchure". His lips. Most of you know my dad was Ted Ressler. He was Camp Fuller director through most of the 1960's. He did not learn to play the bugle in the military. He learned in school and honed his skill as a Boy Scout.

The Walker

The Story of The Walker as told by Ben Degen in 1994.