Phil Hax Returns To Camp After 68 Years
Red Carpet treatment for this alum
Imagine driving down the camp road after last seeing Camp Fuller over sixty-eight years ago and being greeted with a red-carpet welcome by the entire camp? Well, that’s exactly what happened to Phil Hax on July 19, 2024.
A simple Google search wondering if Camp Fuller was still open lead Phil to the Camp Fuller Archive Project website. He sent us an email with a snapshot of his time at Fuller from 1952-1957 along with recollections and fond memories of summers spent as a working camper, counselor and sailing instructor. After finding his own picture on the website, Phil’s curiosity was peaked.
After a brief email exchange, we called Phil to find out more about his times at camp and invited him to visit with his wife, Barbara. Arrangements were made with Josh Schupack, the new executive director for a reunion visit back to camp. The entire camp welcomed Phil and his wife with open arms. They were given a full tour of camp and lunch in the mess hall. Phil was overwhelmed with the outpouring of affection and curiosity by the whole camp. He was a huge celebrity that day.
Phil was introduced to the campers and staff during lunch and spoke passionately about how Camp Fuller impacted his life and how this visit renewed his faith in the youth of America. Cheers, applause and chants of “We love you, Phil” echoed off the old rafters as he stood before the entire camp with a silent gratitude for a place that taught him so many life skills and launched him on a path to self-reliance and self-confidence.
Joining the group was Karen Santilli, CEO of the Greater Providence YMCA along with many Fuller staff members and campers. As Phil and Barbara toured the camp, he spent much of the time stopping along the way, talking to the kids and staff and reminiscing about his summers in a canvas tent overlooking Point Judith Pond.
It was an honor to have Phil Hax back at Camp Fuller and learn about his memorable summers in the 1950’s which included setting up and operating a ham radio station from the old boathouse, learning how to sail on a Beetle Cat and belonging to the Apache Honor Society. We hope Phil will visit again and share more of his times at Fuller.