"There's always a full moon over Camp Fuller".....
Mooning the Southland should have been a program you signed up for. For years, this “circus boat” traveled up and down the waters of Salt Pond filled with curious on-lookers out for a day on the water. Promoted as one of the most popular attractions in Rhode Island, we all know how this salt water river boat earned that reputation.
On any given day or evening during the summer months, this multi-colored vessel would show up on the horizon heading toward camp, giving everyone plenty of time to prepare. As the boatload of tourists carefully listened to their tour guide explain the history and natural beauty of the area, campers and staff were preparing for their own rendition of natural beauty and would gather in groups along the shores of Fuller. Some would congregate on the Senior Hill Beach while they awaited its arrival. As the Southland got closer to camp and the groups lining the waterfront, everyone instinctively knew what was coming next.

There would often be yelling and hollering from the shore to capture the attention of the captain and his guests. The next part of the drama would unfold when the captain shined his huge spotlight toward camp trying to locate the commotion. Once that moment occurred and in unison, all those on the beach would turn their backsides to the unsuspecting tourists and “Moon the Southland”. Sounds of shock, laughter and “someone call the Coast Guard” were as predictable as the tides coming and going. Campers and staff would resume their former attire, turn back around and give heart-felt waves to those onboard. Within minutes, camp activities would resume like nothing happened and those who were there were already planning their next assault. As the Southland continued its journey down the pond, you could hear the captain announce to all onboard "There's always a full moon over Camp Fuller."
What was always a shock to the campers and staff was how surprised the captain seemed to be each time his boat got mooned. Many think it was a part of the tour and guests paid extra to be closer to the Fuller side of the boat. Rumors often floated around that the captain would call camp and complain about unruly campers, but he was probably thanking the director for the continued efforts to keep his tour business running at maximum.
Somehow, camp life would not be the same without the Southland. Does this bring back any memories of your special times at camp?