Three Blue Pigeons

Originally introduced to camp by Wolfgang Meyerhofer, a councilor from Austria, in 1975

Three blue pigeons, three blue pigeons, three blue pigeons sat upon a wall

And one flew away (or make up how they died)


Two blue pigeon, two blue pigeons, two blue pigeons sat upon a wall

And one flew away (or make up how they died)


One blue pigeon, one blue pigeons, one blue pigeons sat upon a wall 

And one flew away (or make up how they died)


No blue pigeons, no blue pigeons, no blue pigeons sat upon a wall

But one came back! (Or how they survived)


One blue pigeon, one blue pigeons, one blue pigeons sat upon a wall 

But another one came back! (Or how they survived)


Two blue pigeon, two blue pigeons, two blue pigeons sat upon a wall 

But another one came back! (Or how they survived)


Three blue pigeons, three blue pigeons, three blue pigeons sat upon a wall